Art Bonus

What is it?

The simple and advantageous opportunity for everyone to support Castello di Rivoli!

The Art Bonus is a tax incentive that allows a deduction, up to 65%, for those who make donations in support of the Italian public cultural heritage (Article 1 of Legislative Decree 31.5.2014, n. 83, “Urgent provisions for the protection of cultural heritage, the development of culture and the relaunch of tourism “, converted with amendments into Law no. 106 of 29/07/2014 and subsequent amendments).

Citizens and businesses can make direct donations for the restoration of cultural heritage and the support of culture programs by obtaining a tax discount to be deducted, over three years, from the personal income tax. In particular, the donor (natural or legal person) will be able to enjoy a subsidized tax regime, to the extent of a tax credit equal to 65% of the disbursements made (pursuant to the 2016 stability law).

How does it work?

1. Identify the intervention that you want to support with the donation

2. Make the payment in the manner provided, keeping the receipt with evidence of the reason

IBAN: IT33T0200801177000004463362

Reason: Art bonus – “Castello di Rivoli – Museum of Contemporary Art” Cultural Association Castello di Rivoli – Tax code or VAT number of the patron – Intervention Name (optional)

3. Receive the receipt from the Castello di Rivoli and take advantage of tax breaks

Pursuant to Article 1 of the D.L. 31.5.2014, n. 83, “Urgent provisions for the protection of cultural heritage, the development of culture and the relaunch of tourism”, converted with amendments into Law no. 106 of 29/07/2014 and subsequent amendments, a tax credit was introduced for donations in cash in support of culture and entertainment, the so-called Art bonus, as a support of patronage in favor of cultural heritage.

All information relating to the Art Bonus
The tax benefits of cultural patronage