Michelangelo Pistoletto

Digital Cosmos presents a podcast, which explores the many facets of Molti di uno (Many of One), taking its cue from a series of testimonies collected in collaboration with the Education Department.

The podcast, produced by Castello di Rivoli and Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, reflects on the relationship that the artist has with the public. Since his first years of activity – with Quadri specchianti (1963) and Teatro baldacchino (1968) – Michelangelo Pistoletto has reversed the role of the public from mere bystander to active transformer of the artistic process. By shattering the univocal interpretation, the podcast therefore favors the condition of liberation that Pistoletto defined as follows in 1969: It is not so much a question of involving the public, of making them participate, but of acting on their freedom and their imagination, of triggering similar mechanisms of liberation in people.

The project Molti di uno is winner of the PAC2022-2023 – Piano per l’Arte Contemporanea promoted by the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture