Sensing Painting. Works from the Art Collection of the Fondazione CRC

Curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and Marcella Beccaria
In collaboration with Fondazione CRC Cuneo

The installation is curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev

27 October 2023 – March 24 2024
Castello, Second floor, Gallery 18
Inauguration: 26 October 2023

Nora Berman, Ruffles (Increspature), 2016
Collezione Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo

Sensing Painting. Works from the Art Collection of the Fondazione CRC brings together works belonging to the Collection of the Fondazione CRC in Cuneo, collected from 2017 to today through ColtivArte, a project coordinated by a high-profile research committee composed of the Director of the Castello di Rivoli, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, the Director of the Art Institute at the Academy of Art and Design FHNW in Basel, Chus Martínez, and the Director of the Consortium of the Royal Savoy Residences, Guido Curto.
The exhibition focuses on the criteria on which the collection was built, which include the strong presence of works of art by young artists from the Piedmont region and Italy, attention to the international contemporary scene and the pre-eminence of figurative works. Including works produced by 50 international artists, the exhibition project underlines the strength of the CRC Collection.
Set up in the stately baroque spaces of the Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, the exhibition highlights how painting maintains a fundamental role as an expressive language, especially in the context of the current digital age. Compared to the dematerialization that characterizes a large part of everyday life, the exhibition invites the public to an active and direct encounter with works of art, with an irreplaceable experiential, physical and sensorial value.

Artists showcased include: Vernon Ah Kee, Cornelia Badelita, Nora Berman, Valerio Berruti, Rossella Biscotti, Anna Boghiguian, Nicola Bolla, Benni Bosetto, Sol Calero, Ludovica Carbotta, Guglielmo Castelli, Alex Cecchetti, Manuele Cerutti, Claudia Comte, Regina de Miguel, Barbara De Vivi, Patrizio Di Massimo, Bracha L. Ettinger, Francesca Ferreri, Camille Henrot, Golnaz Hosseini, Anne Imhof, Diego Kohli, Agnieszka Kurant, Andrea Massaioli, Elena Mazzi, Daniele Milvio, Ad Minoliti, Pietro Moretti, Giuseppe Mulas, Rudi Ninov, Francis Offman, Seth Price, Tabita Rezaire, Mathilde Rosier, Giangiacomo Rossetti, Giuliana Rosso, Lin May Saeed, Erik Saglia, Georgia Sagri, Alan Sierra, Elisa Sighicelli, Ania Soliman, Marta Spagnoli, Victoria Stoian, Sarah Sze, Inka ter Haar, Paolo Turco, Alice Visentin, and Zadie Xa.

The exhibition is organized in collaboration with Fondazione CRC Cuneo