E LUCE FU. Giacomo Balla, Lucio Fontana, Olafur Eliasson and Renato Leotta

October 23, 2020 – June 20, 2021

Conceived for the monumental spaces of San Francesco Church, the exhibition E luce fu establishes a dialog between four major works by Giacomo Balla (Turin, 1871 – Rome, 1958), Lucio Fontana (Rosario, Santa Fe, 1899 – Varese, 1968), Olafur Eliasson (Copenaghen, 1967), and Renato Leotta (Turin, 1982). Each artist with their own specific vocabulary but linked by a common interest in light and its aesthetic, scientific, technological, and social implications to the others.

Belonging to the Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea collections, their works— Feu d’artifice (Fireworks), 1917, Ambiente spaziale (Spatial environment), 1967 (1981), The sun has no money (2008), and Sole (Sun), 2019–20—are presented as four chapters from the great history of modern and contemporary art. They offer visitors intense perceptual and cognitive experiences through which they can further explore the diverse philosophical, mystical and symbolic interpretations of light as developed over time.

Feu d’artifice (Firework), 1917, by Giacomo Balla is installed in the central nave of the church. The artwork is a theatrical performance composed of solid colorful geometric forms animated in accordance with music by Igor Stravinsky. Ambiente spaziale, 1967, by Lucio Fontana offers viewers to make perception a total experience, both psychological and physical, where everyone is face-to-face with themselves. The apse is animated by The sun has no money, 2008, by Olafur Eliasson. Here, light projections evoke celestial geometries, producing the experience of a shared space. The exhibition itinerary continues with Sole, 2019-20, by Renato Leotta, an installation made up of automobile headlights illuminating specific architectonic and decorative details of San Francesco Church. E luce fu is part of the collaboration between Fondazione CRC and Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea. It aims to promote cultural engagement in the Region of Cuneo and to appreciate internationally renowned artists’ works presented by the Museum.

Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco
Via Santa Maria 10, Cuneo
Info www.fondazionecrc.it

The exhibition is supported

under the patronage of