Collection on display 2023

The Permanent Collection, on display in the halls of the Castello di Rivoli, involves works of contemporary art produced by the most radical and irrepressible artists of contemporary art. Often conceived specifically for the museum, the works enter into a productive and unexpected dialogue with the architecture that houses them.

Our Collection is made up of no less than 200 artists, whose works are displayed on the first and second floors of the Castle Building, but also in the external spaces of the Museum.

Collezione Castello di Rivoli, Museo di Arte Contemporanea

External atrium and garden

Atrio Juvarriano

Giuseppe Penone, Luciano Fabro, Pier Paolo Calzolari.

Giardino della Manica Lunga

Castello Building Staircase

First Floor

Room 1

Room 3

Room 4

Room 5

Michelangelo Pistoletto – Venere degli stracci

Room 6


Room 7

Room 8

Room 9

Room 10

Room 11

Room 12

Room 14

Room 15

Room 16

Alice Visentin

Second Floor

Room 18

Room 19

Room 20

Room 21

Room 22

Gilberto Zorio

Room 23

Doris Salcedo

Room 24

Pier Paolo Calzolari

Room 25

Marisa Merz

Room 26

Room 27

Room 28

Room 32

Luciano Fabro

Audioguide second floor

Gilberto Zorio

Doris Salcedo

Pier Paolo Calzolari

Marisa Merz

Luciano Fabro

Audioguide first floor

Michelangelo Pistoletto – Venere degli stracci


Alice Visentin