Elisa Sighicelli

Elisa Sighicelli uses photography to make a work on photography. Merging with tactile and material supports, her images capture the echoes of the visible, analyzing the ways in which reality reflects itself. Her most recent works are born from the encounter with the Cerruti Collection. During 2019, the artist went several times to the villa in Rivoli that houses the collection, carrying out a series of inspections even during the restoration works, when the rooms were devoid of works of art and some wall furnishings were partially covered by protective plastics. The photographs entitled Lumenombra represent the atmosphere of the dining room of the villa. In these works printed on satin, Sighicelli seems to capture the echo of Giorgio de Chirico’s masterpieces usually displayed there, dwelling on the mystery of the shadows produced by the light suspended between the ancient mirrors and the large plastics used to cover them. The work entitled Lumenicta, whose title combines the terms “lume” and “night”, testifies to the charm of the now restored villa. Using a flashlight, Sighicelli ideally wanted to illuminate the private story of Francesco Federico Cerruti, the singular owner of a house destined to welcome him not as an inhabitant with human needs but only as a collector animated by a visionary passion for art.